European Union and European Central Bank Influences' (vidéo)

Mardi 26 juin, les étudiants de l'Executive Master en journalisme européen présenteront leur travail vidéo de fin d'année. Découvrez le deuxième teaser.

Plus d'infos sur le Jury vidéo et son déroulement.?

European Union and European Central Bank Influences?

The European Central Bank /ECB/ is defined as a supranational monetary organisation that manages the euro. This documentary tries to highlight how large is its influence in the framing and implementing the European Union’s economic and monetary policies. More particularly, we are in an European Union in crisis, where the Troïka /European Commission, ECB, IMF/ is dictating - more or less directly- the policies of each member State.


By Dario GROPPI & Tsvetomir TSEKOV

function of epiglottisEuropean Union and European Central Bank Influences from IHECS on Vimeo.