Launch of the "TaalTrek" project between IHECS and UCLL Hogeschool

On 28 February, 45 BLOCK 3 students visited UCLL Hogeschool to meet and hold discussions with Dutch-speaking students as part of the new linguistic and cultural exchange project TaalTrek

45 third-year students from Catherine Lycops’ Dutch course, in Journalism pre-orientation, visited UCLL in Louvain to meet their Dutch-speaking counterparts as part of the Taaltrek exchange project. The evening’s aim for our students was to form pairs for the rest of the project.

After exciting discussions, the pairs were formed and ready to embrace the challenge! 

Over the next two months, each pair will complete a series of activities, such as visiting a museum or city together or taking a course at IHECS and UCLL, while reporting back on their chosen activity. The collaborative partnership has two objectives: to facilitate communication and to gain confidence in the respective foreign language, while broadening everyone’s cultural horizons.

We would like to thank our colleagues at UCLL, Hannah Severijns and Peggy Leën, for their enthusiasm and hospitality during this first successful meeting, but also Catherine Lycops, the driving force behind the Taaltrek project.

Our gratitude also goes to Yasmine Al Fihri and Elisa Pomponio, language teachers, for their attendance and support during this evening event.

The closing evening is scheduled for 30 April 2024 at IHECS.  We will then have the pleasure of welcoming our Dutch-speaking partners to conclude this inaugural edition of the Taaltrek project in style.