Frédéric Moens on assignment for ARES in Ouagadougou

At the end of January, as part of an institutional support programme at Joseph Ki Zerbo University, a programme supported by the ARES Development Cooperation Commission, our Director, Professor Frédéric Moens, led an assignment to Burkina Faso

During this assignment, the university radio station, the equipment of which was renovated by ARES, was inaugurated by the University authorities and by the members of the monitoring mission. This radio station, which is part of the communications department of UJKZ and which constitutes a vital educational tool for the training of journalists, will ensure that the university’s research achievements are communicated. At this stage, it only broadcasts on the FM band within a radius of about 40 kilometres; in the near future, some of its programmes should be able to be loaded into podcasts and, in the longer term, all of the radio output should also be broadcast on the Internet.

Frédéric Moens and the President of UJKZ, Professor Jean-François Kobiané, accompanied by members of the Belgian delegation and members of the University.

Furthermore, comprising six Belgian colleagues, this mission made it possible to take stock of the first year of this institutional support programme and its first achievements, including the radio station. It also established the working foundations for the second year of the five-year plan. As a reminder, five results are expected from this transversal cooperation: the promotion of local research, the improvement of theses and research projects carried out by UJKZ, training in higher education paedagogy, reinforcement of middle management for research, and, finally, assistance in the digitalisation, among other things, of student registration and monitoring.