Welcome to our students!

The new academic year for the new 1st year students at IHECS began on Monday, 14 September. They were welcomed by all members of staff.

COVID measures have mandated that the start to the academic year for the new Block 1 is divided into three sessions in order to allow us to welcome our 650 new students face-to-face.

Despite this slightly different start to the academic year compared to other years, everyone was able to attend the welcome session with the Management, the various coordinators and the Haute École Galilée Student Council. All took turns to address the students:

  • Luc De Meyer, Director of IHECS,
  • Jean-François, General Manager 
  • Frédéric Moens, Director of Studies,
  • Pascal Chabot, Coordinator of General Courses
  • Thierry Maroit, Coordinator of Media
  • Anne Pittomvils, Languages Coordinator
  • Louis Ruffier d’Epenoux, President of CEHEG (Conseil Étudiant Haute École Galilée/Haute École Galilée Student Council),

Students were then hosted at Loft 58, the IHECS cafeteria, for the traditional welcome drinks.