Moldova State University students visiting IHECS

The ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility programme enabled Cornelia, Daria, Irina, and Cristina to receive a scholarship and take classes at IHECS.

Thanks to support from ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility, four Moldovan students are currently taking the programme in English at IHECS and have participated in Integration Week (an orientation week held each year to welcome new foreign students joining IHECS for an exchange programme) during this first semester 2017-2018.

Daria, one of the students, was especially moved by the welcome she received right from her arrival at the airport: "When we arrived, tired and a bit disorientated from our travels, we were welcomed with cherry beer by our new friends. They had made a sign that read: "Welcome Moldovan girls!!!". We instantly felt right at home."

She adds about her personal experience " you have to experience that at least once in your life. Studying at IHECS means living in Belgium for a few months, a country that is a springboard for travel practically anywhere in Europe. It's also an opportunity to study in a multicultural and multilingual environment with the benefit of all the equipment that the institution makes available to its students (loaner centre, radio, television set, etc.)."

An IHECS professor will soon travel to Chisinau to teach a course in European communication to BAC 2 and BAC 3 students. After this exchange a professor from Chisinau will come to IHECS to teach a course either on European vision or intercultural communication.

IHECS and Moldova State University have been partners since 2007. Having joined the Bologna Process in 2005, MSU needed to improve the quality of its college programmes. With its advantageous location in the heart of Brussels and its network of professors and professionals with ties to European institutions, IHECS is the ideal place for Moldovan students and professors to participate in European affairs. Moreover, opening up to Moldova is very much of interest for IHECS given its expertise in intercultural education. For that matter, MSU has been named best institute of higher education in the Republic of Moldova.

Luca Copetti teaching second semester courses at Moldova State University

A professor exchange already took place during the second semester of 2016-2017. Luca Copetti from IHECS and Dr. Aneta Gonta from MSU.