Jean-François Raskin, new President of the Theophrastus Network

The General Assembly of the Theophrastus Network held in Quebec City on Friday 12 October elected its Board of Directors for the next four years.

Jean-François RASKIN, professor and General Manager at IHECS (Brussels) was elected President of the Network.

The two vice-presidents are, respectively, Professors Hamida EL BOUR from IPSI in Tunis and Henri ASSOGBA from Laval University in Quebec.

The Theophrastus Network is the global network of French-speaking schools of journalism. Founded in 1994, its objectives include contributing to the definition of the specific nature of journalism professions, developing a paedagogy for the teaching of journalism in the face of technological, economic and contemporary challenges, with respect for cultural plurality, and reflecting on the practices of the profession and its ethical dimension.

The Theophrastus Network is also a partner of the organisation of the World Congress of Schools of Journalism to be held in Paris on the week of 8 to 12 July 2019.