IHECS in Ouagadougou

From 28 January to 8 February, Nordine Nabili, president of the PI section, visited the University of Ouagadougou I Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Ouagadougou as part of the IHECS-IPERMIC collaboration to concretise the creation of a citizen media.

During their visit last November, Dimitri Balima and Lacina Kaboré received training in citizen journalism aimed at enhancing their teaching in Burkina Faso and to contribute to their research. They were also able to observe how the Brussels Bondy Blog works, to draw inspiration from it and to create a similar citizen media in Burkina Faso.

It was as a continuation of this project that Nordine Nabili, president of the Master in Press and Information, visited Ouagadougou to support the Burkina Faso university in its project to create a citizen information platform.

This project forms part of the educational programme of the "journalism" programme at the university. It allows students to experiment with new narrative practices, to explore themes adapted to the realities of Burkinabè society, to describe and analyse citizen initiatives and dynamics, and to develop a network incorporating the main actors within the civil society.

Nordine Nabili steered the launch of the project as part of a 10-day programme: courses, workshop activities to support the production of local news reports, radio broadcasts, and several working sessions with local partners aimed at forging relationships and developing editorial projects.

This exchange is part of a programme of cooperation between the IPERMIC (l’institut panafricain d'étude et de recherche sur les médias, l'information et la communication/Pan-African Institute of Study and Research on Media, Information and Communication) faculty at the University of Ouagadougou I Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo and IHECS.

The project was set up with support from the WBI Joint Standing Committee for the period 2018-2022.