Executive Masters: register now!

Envie de vous inscrire en Communication and European Politics, en European Journalism ou en Management d'Événements? Il vous reste cette semaine pour vous inscrire.

Executive Master? in Communication and European Politics?

A unique Executive Master of Communication and European Politics (CPE) is offered by IHECS in the heart of Brussels, the seat of the most important European Union institutions.

The CPE is a fulltime Master, with a duration of one academic year. The CPE is based on two sets of competences. One element is knowledge and understanding of how the EU functions, the policies and decision-making mechanisms. The other is communication skills, both on a personal level (writing and speaking) and on a organisational level (communication as a strategic competence for organizations and companies). The overall purpose is to prepare the students for a career in European Affairs.

Job possibilities after the Master are both within the EU institutions or in communication agencies, European NGO’s, regional authorities, media or lobby firms. The Master leads to a certificate equivalent to 60 ECTS. It is open for students who have already obtained a university degree at the level of bachelor (bac +3) and some working experience in the field of communication or European Affairs.


Executive Master? in European Journalism?

The executive master in European Journalism, post-graduate studies, is organised by the International and Further Education department. Journalism is facing a crisis that, in time, will probably redefine the global media landscape. New media models are emerging while others are being challenged and will, eventually, be completely restructured. There is a genuine shortage of and a need for investigative journalists who can translate bureaucratic jargon into meaningful information for citizens. The Executive Master in European Journalism combines cutting-edge multimedia technologies with practical knowledge of how to cover European affairs.


Executive Master en Management d'événements

La formation proposée, conçue en partenariat avec l’Institut de l’Evénement de Montréal (IDE) et L’Institut de Tourisme et d’Hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), prépare aux rôles et fonctions de gestion supérieure d’événements :

planification stratégique,
gestion de projet,
gestion des risques,
gestion financière,
gestion des RH,
éco responsabilité,
gestion administrative,
gestion sur le terrain

Pour: employés ou free-lance travaillant déjà pour des sociétés organisatrices de grands événements ou dans des agences de communication et de RP. Responsables de communication événementielle dans les entreprises. Diplômés de l’IHECS, de l’enseignement supérieur encommunication et marketing et des autres universités belges (UCL, ULB, ULG…) et étrangères.

Plus d'info.